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How to add Meta Tags Automatically to Each Blogger Post

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Generally Meta tags introduce your blog to search engines, and so these tags are a must for every website/blog as well as necessary for each and every page and article of websites. Here I'm going to show how to add automatically meta tags in blogger? i.e. dynamic meta tag for each blogger post.

How to add Meta Tags Automatically to Each Blogger Post

Here's a simple code to automate the process of assigning meta description and keyword tags to every page of your blog. Although not very effective but it may improve the visibility of your pages in SERPs. These are the Dynamic meta tags, which have the same code but display different content for different pages. Actually it simply shows the blog name and title of the post in the meta description/keywords content.

Here are some important steps to add meta tags to blogger post:
Keep in mind that meta tags always goes between <head> and </head> tags

1: Log in to Blogger and select Template from drop down menu

2: Now find (CTRL+F) this code in the template:


3: And immediately BEFORE/ABOVE it, paste this code and you've done.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>

<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName + data:blog.title + data:blog.pageName' name='Description'/>

<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName + data:blog.title + data:blog.pageName' name='Keywords'/>


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