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How to Fix Volume Levels in iTunes

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By default, audio tracks are usually mixed at one setting, but if you prefer to listen to music at a louder or quieter level, you likely won't be satisfied with a song's default volume levels. However, this problem can be adjusted within Apple's iTunes. By going through the program's "Preferences" options pane, you can customize and fix the volume levels for an individual track or for all songs.

Instructions to Fix Volume Levels in iTunes

1: Open iTunes on your computer.

2: Select "Preferences" within the pull-down menu labeled "iTunes." This will be in the upper left-hand corner of the iTunes window.

3: Press the "Playback" tab.

4: Click the checkbox labeled "Sound Enhancer" to enable this functionality. From here, you can adjust the slider next to the checkbox to calibrate your primary volume levels. By moving the slider left or right, you can increase or decrease the master volume levels within iTunes.

5: Click "OK" to finish the calibration process.

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